Smooshy-Faced Cats Can’t Show Emotion Thanks To Inbreeding
Those moonface kitties are captivatingly cute, but their flattened features belie the feline’s true feelings.
Those moonface kitties are captivatingly cute, but their flattened features belie the feline’s true feelings.
Rochdale-based Davies family lost Georgie on trip to Loch Lomond, but recent microchip scan revealed cat’s identity.
The cat was detained in the prison after two grams of heroin were found tied to its collar.
A new study has shown that not all saber-tooths were fearsome predators.
While WKBM-27 morning host Dan Martin delivered his live morning newscast from home under COVID-19 quarantine lockdown, his cat Duke decided that showing the audience how to thoroughly clean one’s own anus was much more important than his owner’s news report.
Meju is a cat who seems to think she is a human.
The Cat House is home to 700 cats, taking up 12 acres of land.
Sara is a neighborhood stray cat that now delivers handwritten notes between the community members who gratefully provide her with food, shelter, and lots of love!
A Siberian kitten, gifted to the head of Japan’s Akita Prefecture by Vladimir Putin six years ago, has since grown up into a big fluffy cat that understands Japanese and wakes his owner up at 6am demanding food.
The big cats’ decline is understated, and their viability remains in doubt because of human settlements, climate change, and poaching. Removing leopards from the endangered list may give the impression that they’re safe when in fact the numbers are unknown.
Meet Able, a rescue kitty with no front legs who gets around jumping like a kangaroo. “The first time I saw Able, I felt such energy and inspiration to live Read More…
Frank and Louie (or Frankenlouie!) is a cat who was born with two faces, so he had two names. He has earned a spot as the longest lived Janus cat in the new edition of the Guinness World Records (Guinness has dropped the word “book” from the name in this digital age).
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