The results of the third annual “2024 Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey” are out, and the findings are both gruesome and scary. Retired Airforce Major Tom Haviland has been doing this survey ever since he was fired from his job at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 2021 for NOT taking the CV19 bioweapon vax. Haviland is the only one in the world doing a survey of embalmers from around the world to reveal the “unusual phenomenon of large, grotesque ‘white fibrous clots’ in the veins and arteries of corpses.” Haviland got the idea to start the survey of embalmers after seeing the movie “Died Suddenly.” Haviland explains, “About half the movie is about six or seven embalmers that started to find these white fibrous clots in the corpses they were embalming. . . . At the 13-minute mark, an amazing statement is made. An embalmer from Indiana, Wallace Hooker, was lecturing at an Ohio embalmer’s conference in Columbus, Ohio, on the 26th of October in 2022. He was lecturing to a room of about 100 embalmers. He showed them photographs of the white fibrous clots he had been pulling out of his corpses for the last year or so, and he asked by a show of hands how many of you are seeing these white fibrous clots? He said almost the entire room of 100 embalmers raised their hands and said yes. He then asked when did you start seeing them? They all said about six months after the Covid vaccines rolled out.”
So, Haviland started his own worldwide survey of embalmers three years ago. In his latest 2024 survey of embalmers from around the world, “white fibrous clots appeared in a weighted average of 27.5% of corpses.” Also, in the 2024 survey of embalmers, 83% are seeing these long fibrous clots. Haviland says this year’s 2024 survey shows the trend is increasing and not decreasing. Haviland says, “This is a phenomenon that the embalmers never saw before 2020. Prior to 2020, they only saw two types of clots. One is called ‘grape jelly’ clots, and they look like dark grape jelly. They dissolve easily in your hand like grape jelly does. There is also something called ‘chicken fat’ clots that are much smaller, yellow and tear very easily. They are much different than these large, long white fibrous clots. They can grow up to two feet long, and they are tough, rubbery and elastic. Embalmers in my survey have never seen these before. They are very, very unusual.”
Haviland says many in the embalmer community do NOT want to participate in his survey. This year, Haviland got 301 embalmers to participate out of thousands of requests to take the clot survey. Haviland says, “We only got about 300 responses to this year’s survey because there is a reluctance of funeral directors and funeral directors associations to talk about this, which is very interesting. . . .This is not a rare phenomenon that clots are prevalent. There is no way around this. These things are causing strokes and heart attacks. The embalmers are insistent that the clots are forming before death. They are picking up bodies that have not been refrigerated yet, an hour or two old, and they are finding them littered with clots. No way the clots could have formed in the hour or two after the person passed.”
These white fibrous clots are for the living, too. Haviland says, “I have been in touch with a cardiologist and vascular specialist in Jacksonville, Florida, who says he has been pulling these white fibrous clots, the very same ones, out of living people in the last three years. . . . Another doctor I know . . . who said he is pulling anywhere between 3 to 10 of these white fibrous clots out of his patients every week. These doctors do have the CV19 vax records, and they say every time they pull one of these long clots out of people, 99% of the time they have been vaccinated with between 1 to 8 CV19 shots. Doctors I talk with say it seems the more shots they have taken, the worse the clotting seems to be.”
In closing, Haviland reminds us that his survey results are sent to the FDA, NIH and the CDC. Haviland says, “The tragedy here is, here I am a retired major, and the last three years I have done these surveys, I immediately submit all results to the FDA, CDC and NIH. Would you believe in the 3 years I have done this, I have not gotten a response from them on these embalmer surveys. It’s just crickets back from them. . . . I also did a special survey from catheterization lab workers, for doctors, to see what they were seeing in their patients. I submitted that to the Society for Vascular Surgeons in the United States, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. None of those responded. I did get an email back from the US Society for Vascular Surgery in Rosemont, Illinois, and they said they decline to participate . . . They have 6,300 members, and they chose not to distribute the survey to their 6,300 vascular surgeons to ask what is going on.”
There is much more in the 48-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Tom Haviland to do a deep dive into the “2024 Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey” for 1.7.25.
After the Interview:
There is lots for free information on Laura Kasner’s Substack called “Clotastrophe.” This is where Tom Haviland posts his survey work. There is zero charge to visit this site.
Click here to see the “Results of the 2024 Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey.”
* This article was automatically syndicated and expanded from Activist Post.
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