The Isolation of Russia: Competing Narratives

March 29, 2022 Syndicated 0

In the competing narrative to the unified response from governments around the world following NATO’s lead, China and India, which make up 37% of the world’s population, are noticeably absent from that unified response.

Chris Hedges: The Execution of Julian Assange

December 13, 2021 Syndicated 0

He committed empire’s greatest sin. He exposed it as a criminal enterprise. He documented its lies, callous disregard for human life, rampant corruption and innumerable war crimes. And empires always kill those who inflict deep and serious wounds.

The Selective Prosecution of Julian Assange

October 7, 2020 Syndicated 0

As the extradition hearing for Wikileaks Editor-in-Chief Julian Assange unfolds, it is increasingly clear that the prosecution of Assange fits into a pattern of governments selectively enforcing laws in order to punish those who provoke their ire.

Covert Regime Change: Why is a US Government-funded NGO Petitioning to Change the Thai Constitution?

August 7, 2020 Syndicated 0

If Russia was funding an NGO in the US petitioning for the US Constitution to be rewritten, one could expect an immediate and extreme backlash across the media exposing this. Yet in Thailand where US government-funded groups are doing precisely this in regards to the Thai constitution – the media not only conceals US funding, it spins the move as “pro-democratic.”

The COVID-19 Chronicles: China

May 16, 2020 Syndicated 0

With the US spiraling downward, a downward trajectory merely steepened by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) outbreak, we’d expect other nations to suffer likewise. 

Democracy in Name But Not in Practice: Election Fraud & Voter Suppression in the 2020 Democratic Primary

April 26, 2020 staff 0

What these comparisons show is that there are discrepancies between exit polls and vote counts by computer.  The question is why do these discrepancies always favor the DNC? If the discrepancies were random, then the comparison between Sanders and Biden would be random.  But they are not random. The DNC’s candidate always gains in the counting. And that is highly suspicious.

Not only have exit polls been way off, but Bernie Sanders has won every single caucus state where votes are hand-counted except one: Iowa, Nevada, and North Dakota. American Samoa is the only caucus Bernie didn’t win; fellow progressive Tulsi Gabbard won the territory.