MUST WATCH: US/UK Delegations Walk Out As Syria’s UN Ambassador Dr. Bashar al Ja’afari Begins Trenchant Indictment of US, UK, & France’s History of Lies Starting Foreign Interventions (VIDEO)

April 16, 2018 staff 0

Responding to attacks from the US, UK, and French delegates at the Security Council meeting, the Syrian Ambassador to the UN called out the countries’ lies and hypocrisies, denouncing their funding and arming of terrorist groups and foreign mercenaries dispatched to Syria, in a droll, biting rebuke of imperialist aggression..

‘Humanitarian Crisis in Hollywood’: Chronic Homelessness vs. the American Dream (VIDEO)

March 31, 2018 Syndicated 0

In Los Angeles, one of America’s richest cities, with the backdrop of Hollywood glitz and glamour for the wealthy, privileged elite luxuriating in their sprawling, majestic estates, a staggering 60,000 people live without shelter, many sleeping on the disease-infested sidewalks, while the country’s 3 richest billionaires hoard more wealth than the bottom 50% of all Americans.