Insurance Companies Are Spending Millions on Attack Ads Against Medicare for All
The privatized, for-profit healthcare industry is close to panicking over the prospect of a nationalized system along the lines of other advanced countries.
The privatized, for-profit healthcare industry is close to panicking over the prospect of a nationalized system along the lines of other advanced countries.
Recordings have emerged of private conversations that Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, had while living in the Ecuadorean Embassy. He and a Spanish prosecutor blame the United States.
During the debate and in the spin room, Sanders was treated more like an outsider than a front runner. It’s part of a broader anti-Bernie slant in the “liberal” network’s coverage.
The growing chasm between Sanders’ and Warren’s “Medicare for All” plans increasingly highlights which candidate is genuinely serious about fighting for universal healthcare, with the release of Warren’s extremely convoluted, regressively funded, and loophole-ridden so-called “Medicare for All” plan.
The New York Times has once again exposed itself as an organ of US special interests operating under the guise of journalism – contributing to Wall Street and Washington’s ongoing and escalating hybrid war with China with a particularly underhanded piece of war propaganda.
For the third time in nine years, Sweden’s prosecution services have dropped an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct, or ‘lesser rape,’ accusations against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
Blinded Palestinian journalist exposes Israel’s increasing violence against media.
“You can’t take on a corrupt system if you take its money.”
The differences between Warren and Sanders are critically important…
There is an unquestionable contradiction between Snowden’s opposition to Assange’s arrest and the rhetorical games he plays with Assange’s character in his memoir, Permanent Record.
Senator Bernie Sanders introduces his latest ambitious plan to tackle wealth and income inequality.
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos called on University of North Carolina and Duke University to amend the curriculum of their joint Middle Eastern studies program, claiming it does not include enough positive material about religions other than Islam.
The West has more to do with the Hong Kong protest movement than it would like us to know. It’s the ugly face of Washington’s long-standing foreign policy directed at destabilizing one of its long-standing economic foes: China.
As Brazil’s Bolsonaro allows elite landowners to incinerate the Amazon, professional regime-change operatives like Jhanisse V. Daza seek to redirect blame for the fires onto the leftist government of Bolivia, whose President Evo Morales faces elections in October.
A look at the organizations directly involved in leading the unrest and those supporting it reveals unequivocally that it originates in Washington DC – not organically from within Hong Kong itself.
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