US Embassy in Australia Reveals the Reason Behind ‘Cat Pajama-Jam’ Invite
The enigmatic and amusing message was apparently sent during the testing of an email newsletter platform, and it remains unclear how widely it was distributed.
The enigmatic and amusing message was apparently sent during the testing of an email newsletter platform, and it remains unclear how widely it was distributed.
Don’t expect the cat to pick up after the dog’s poop, though.
That’s one exceptionally talented camouflage cougar — not only can it blend into its surroundings, it can take on the appearance of a small house cat, too!
The big cats’ decline is understated, and their viability remains in doubt because of human settlements, climate change, and poaching. Removing leopards from the endangered list may give the impression that they’re safe when in fact the numbers are unknown.
A domesticated ginger cat is in search of a way back home — and, hopefully, to reunite with his human family — since becoming an involuntary passenger on a coach, Read More…
This cat’s reaction to a possum stealing her food gets better and better with every pic.
Fifty-four years after a small rocket was launched 100 miles into space from Hammaguir, Algeria, its feline inhabitant, Félicette, may finally be getting her due.
Meet Able, a rescue kitty with no front legs who gets around jumping like a kangaroo. “The first time I saw Able, I felt such energy and inspiration to live Read More…
Frank and Louie (or Frankenlouie!) is a cat who was born with two faces, so he had two names. He has earned a spot as the longest lived Janus cat in the new edition of the Guinness World Records (Guinness has dropped the word “book” from the name in this digital age).
The “Dear Kitten” video series is a collaboration between BuzzFeed Video and Purina Friskies in promotion of the “Friskies” brand of wet cat food. In each episode, the seasoned cat Read More…
Rosie was rescued off the street as a tiny baby kitten by the Bui sisters: Thi, Thoa, and Tram. When she was found by one of the sisters’ co-workers, she was very sick and fragile, and her humans were concerned that she might not pull through.
At Hukulou Coffee shop in Osaka, Japan, the unconventional friendship between Marimo, a kitten, and Fuku-chan, an owl, becomes an adorable internet sensation.
Florence Salles, a breeder at the Triskel Maine Coon cattery in Quebec, Canada, lined up the kittens for a group photo on June 14, 2014, then decided to record a video while waving an object in front of the kittens.
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