An explosive new documentary based on Peter Schweizer’s bestselling book of the same name, Clinton Cash, details how Bill and Hillary Clinton used their positions of power and influence to raise millions for themselves and billions for their “charitable” foundation, through lucrative business deals for their elite donors, at the expense of ordinary local citizens and the environment. The film thoroughly illustrates the unofficial partnership between Clinton’s State Department and The Clinton Foundation, which spent only $9 million of its reported $140 million in grants and pledges on direct aid in 2013, or a meager 6.4%.
According to Clinton Cash, during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, Bill Clinton delivered 10 speeches from Nov. 2008 to mid-2011 totaling $1.8 million paid for by TD Bank, which held a $1.6 billion investment in the Keystone XL pipeline. Additionally, Hillary Clinton received more than $1.6 million for 8 speeches from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and TD Bank—two of the Keystone XL pipeline’s largest investors. Several million dollars later, Hillary Clinton came out in favor of the Keystone XL pipeline.
A 4,000-word front-page New York Times investigation confirmed in meticulous detail Clinton Cash’s report that Hillary’s State Department was one of nine agencies approving the sale of Uranium One to the Russian government, which gave the Russians control of 20% of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Hillary Clinton’s campaign denied having any knowledge of the approval, even as the Clinton Foundation collected $145 million in donations from Russian uranium executives, as detailed in this infographic published by the Times.
These are only a handful of examples of the windfalls benefitting the Clintons in exchange for political favors that enriched the Clinton Foundation’s wealthy donors. For a detailed account of these lucrative deals and others involving the Clintons, watch the film in its entirety below:
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