Stephen Hawking Memorial Sees Professor’s Voice Beamed Into A Black Hole
‘It is a message of peace and hope, about unity and the need for us to live together in harmony on this planet.’
‘It is a message of peace and hope, about unity and the need for us to live together in harmony on this planet.’
A day was once only 18 hours long when the moon was closer to Earth, a new study has claimed.
Trillions of dollars of fossil fuel wealth will be wiped out at some point over the next 17 years even if governments fail to impose binding carbon emissions limits on industry to curb global warming, according to a major new study.
The big cats’ decline is understated, and their viability remains in doubt because of human settlements, climate change, and poaching. Removing leopards from the endangered list may give the impression that they’re safe when in fact the numbers are unknown.
Teaching students how to swear can help them to understand language better, a scientist has said.
Giant black hole has been eating a ‘star every two days’, scientists transfer memory between snails, child’s mummified hand mystery solved, and more.
The modest targets set in the Paris Agreement on climate change are ambitious but necessary. Though nonbinding, failure to meet them will lead to widespread drought, disease and desperation in Read More…
The growth of wild cannabis was rife in Europe during the Stone Age, but the plant disappeared from the continent before the first farmers had a chance to cultivate it, Read More…
Much of the world’s earliest great art is likely to have been created by gifted early humans on the autism spectrum, new research by British scientists suggests in Open Archaeology journal this week.
Swaziland’s king has officially renamed the struggling African nation the “Kingdom of eSwatini,” to commemorate 50 years since winning independence from British rule.
Scientists are warning that cows may become Earth’s largest remaining mammal if extinction continues at its current rate.
Hans Asperger, the Austrian pediatrician who gave his name to a kind of high-functioning autism, helped the Nazis in their murder of disabled children, according to a new report.
Findings indicate that other animals, perhaps all of them, have magnetic receptors and can pick up on magnetic fields.
Swirling black holes at the center of the universe could be spewing out gravitational waves, according to a new study.
Astronomers have identified a star 9 billion light years away from Earth – the farthest individual star ever seen by humans. Usually it is impossible to discern stars at distances greater Read More…
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