Did a Common Childhood Illness Take Down the Neanderthals?
A 21st century nuisance for parents may have proved deadly to early man.
A 21st century nuisance for parents may have proved deadly to early man.
Supercomputer simulations of galaxies have shown that Einstein’s theory of General Relativity might not be the only way to explain how gravity works or how galaxies form.
An artificial nose developed at Tampere University, Finland, helps neurosurgeons to “sniff out” and better identify cancerous tissue during surgery and enables the more precise excision of tumours.
New research suggests how to get large numbers of people engaged in participating during a live performance like a concert — or a lecture — and channel that energy for a sustained time period.
A new Bielefeld University study shows how, without being aware of it, healthy people sometimes mis-attribute touch to the wrong side or even a completely different part of their body.
Graphene quantum dots drawn from common coal may be the basis for an effective antioxidant for people who suffer traumatic brain injuries, strokes or heart attacks.
Can water reach minus 263 degrees Celsius without turning into ice? Yes it can, say researchers, if it is confined in nanometer-scale lipid channels.
Paleontologists have just reported the world’s biggest Tyrannosaurus rex and the largest dinosaur skeleton ever found in Canada. The 13-metre-long T. rex, nicknamed ‘Scotty,’ lived in prehistoric Saskatchewan 66 million years ago.
During the formation of a black hole a bright burst of energetic light is produced called a gamma-ray burst. Researchers have built the POLAR instrument to analyze GRBs. The first results reveal that high energy photons coming from GRBs are neither completely chaotic, nor completely organized, but a mixture of the two.
New NASA research confirms that Saturn is losing its iconic rings at the maximum rate estimated from Voyager 1 & 2 observations made decades ago. The rings are being pulled into Saturn by gravity as a dusty rain of ice particles under the influence of Saturn’s magnetic field.
Electrolocation by weakly electric fish shows astonishing similarities to vision.
Weird evolution revealed in now-extinct monkey which inhabited Jamaica until a few hundred years ago.
Scientists have created the soundtrack of the 5,000th Mars sunrise captured by the robotic exploration rover, Opportunity, using data sonification techniques to create a two-minute piece of music.
A new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Climate Change finds that if Bitcoin is implemented at similar rates at which other technologies have been incorporated, it alone could produce enough emissions to raise global temperatures by 2°C as soon as 2033.
Researchers have identified a young star with four Jupiter and Saturn-sized planets in the most extreme range of orbits yet observed around it, the first time that so many massive planets have been detected in such a young system — raising interesting questions about how such a system might have formed.
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