15 Million People Could Lose Coverage as Nightmarish Medicaid ‘Purge’ Begins
“I feel sick,” said one physician. “Medicaid is not enough: we need seamless, lifelong universal care now.”
“I feel sick,” said one physician. “Medicaid is not enough: we need seamless, lifelong universal care now.”
“If oxygen capacity is there for mining companies to extract, the capacity must be there for the health system to save lives.”
“By taxing 60% of the wealth gains made by just 467 billionaires during this horrific pandemic, we could guarantee healthcare as a right for an entire year.”
We keep handing more money to the very for-profit insurance industry that is failing us.
Once again it appears that big business will get bailed out while the American people get sold out.
The International Monetary Fund approved $500 million on Monday to cancel six months of debt payments for 25 of the world’s most impoverished countries so they can help tackle the COVID-19 pandemic.
MIT chemists are testing a protein fragment that may inhibit coronaviruses’ ability to enter human lung cells.
Clinical and design considerations will be published online; goal is to support rapid scale-up of device production to alleviate hospital shortages.
The rich will reap benefits while workers get sick and die. It is finance capitalism that is being bailed out in the tune of $5 trillion, while some eligible Americans might receive a single measly $1200 check that is supposed to save them from economic catastrophe.
Health care rationing isn’t what awaits us in a single-payer system. It’s happening now in our failed for-profit system.
“It is insane and unacceptable,” said Bernie Sanders. “We will not tolerate profiteering. Any treatment or vaccine must be made free for all.”
“Trump has once again put the interests of oil and gas executives ahead of the interests of people and communities.”
Congressional doctor expects between 70 to 150 million Americans to contract the coronavirus.
An analysis of peer-reviewed scientific papers found overwhelming consensus in the conclusion that Medicare for All would indeed save the American taxpayer money.
On a level democratic playing field, the for-profit healthcare industry’s fear mongering would gain little traction, as its talking points are easily refuted.
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