Being Julian Assange

April 6, 2019 Syndicated 1

Suzie Dawson’s epic meticulous historical analysis on the (character) assassination of Assange, originally published May 2018 at ContraSpin.

Craig Murray: The CIA’s Absence of Conviction

August 29, 2018 staff 0

Published almost 2 years ago, in the aftermath of Hillary Clinton’s shattering defeat by the least popular, dangerously unqualified presidential candidate in U.S. history — a loss that Hillary and the DNC refused to own, immediately diverting all the blame to Russia and James Comey while relentlessly cultivating the narrative of Trump/Putin collusion and “Russian meddling” to suppress and discredit the damning revelations within the WikiLeaks emails of the DNC rigging the primary against Bernie Sanders — Craig Murray gives his firsthand account debunking anonymous CIA claims pushing the Russiagate collusion narrative.