World’s Biggest Meatpacker JBS Wants Public Money to Fight Climate Change
Major Brazilian polluter champions agribusiness as a solution to hunger at G20.
Major Brazilian polluter champions agribusiness as a solution to hunger at G20.
As the use of “e-carceration” spreads globally, invasive, AI-powered surveillance comes with it.
Glenn Greenwald has been charged with cybercrimes in Brazil after embarassing top Brazilian officials with his reporting.
Brazil’s extreme Bolsonaro government backed an attack on Venezuela in a plot to overthrow its elected president. The shocking terror operation has received no coverage in mainstream US media.
“These figures confirm what we feared, namely that 2019 has been a dark year for the rainforest in Brazil.”
“Treating corruption as society’s only problem is a problem,” says Brazilian economist Luiz Gonzaga Belluzzo, who talks of the damage to the Brazilian economy caused by the Lava Jato and Carne Fraca investigations.
The catastrophic loss of another fifth of Brazil’s rainforest could happen within one generation. It’s happened before. It’s happening now.
A new report by The Intercept reveals that the judge who helped jail former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva likely aided federal prosecutors in their corruption case in an attempt to prevent Lula’s Workers’ Party from winning the 2018 presidential election.
Judge Sergio Moro repeatedly counseled prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol via Telegram during more than two years of Operation Car Wash.
Watch: From Colombia and Brazil, Kei Pritsker expounds on the decades of US meddling in South America that preceded the ongoing coup in Venezuela.
Marielle Franco’s killers were not out to rid themselves of a 38-year-old member of Rio City Council who dedicated her days to pressing political causes. They wanted to silence an idea. Franco Read More…
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