Charter Seeks FCC Permission to Impose Data Caps and Charge Fees to Video Services
Charter wants TWC merger conditions to expire in May 2021, two years early.
Charter wants TWC merger conditions to expire in May 2021, two years early.
Pai says power limits and guard band will prevent interference with GPS.
The New York Times is seeking evidence of Russian interference during a debate on placing restrictions on the internet in the US. It’s alleged a public commenting system was invaded by hackers.
The Federal Communications Commission’s corrupt and undemocratic move to repeal net neutrality dealt a major, shattering blow to internet freedom, but it’s only the first in a series of actions leading to the end goal of complete blind deregulation of federal and state oversight of Big Telecom. Next step: expanding the definition of high-speed broadband internet to include mobile phone service, which the FCC will use disingenuously to portray America’s broadband situation as being better than it actually is.
The ruling allows Sinclair’s purchase of Tribune to go forward, furthering the local media giant’s stranglehold on local media.
Comcast and Verizon are demanding telecom regulators to ensure that the FCC’s rollback on net neutrality will overrule any state and local regulatory attempts to preserve internet freedom.
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