North, South, and Central America, plus Caribbean Islands

World’s Biggest Meatpacker JBS Wants Public Money to Fight Climate Change
Major Brazilian polluter champions agribusiness as a solution to hunger at G20.
North, South, and Central America, plus Caribbean Islands
Major Brazilian polluter champions agribusiness as a solution to hunger at G20.
While we may never know the full truth, we owe it to those harmed and killed to illuminate their stories.
Public Denouncement About The Health Condition Of Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab, Illegally Imprisoned In The United States.
Court says disgraced ex-judge’s former law firm received more than R$ 40 million from companies convicted in Lava Jato.
A retired Venezuelan army general says U.S. officials at the highest levels of the CIA and other federal agencies were aware of his efforts to oust Nicolás Maduro — a role he says should immediately debunk criminal charges that he worked alongside the socialist leader to flood the U.S. with cocaine.
Dino skin is more diverse than previously thought,’ say researchers, with South American predator displaying coat made of scales, studs and thorns.
The Western media is touting the results of a so-called “Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela” conducted through the United Nations.
A disturbing new document outlines plans for a US regime-change scheme against Nicaragua’s elected leftist government, overseen by USAID, to bring about a “market economy” and a purge of Sandinistas.
Around $24 billion of Venezuelan public money was looted by the US government, and the Trump administration has used at least $601 million of it to construct a militarized wall on the US-Mexico border.
A new study has shown that not all saber-tooths were fearsome predators.
Reports of a shipment of Iranian fuel to Venezuela in the face of US sanctions against the two allies have infuriated the United States, with one official threatening to take “measures” against the “unwelcome” development.
Regime change-hungry HRW is proudly taking credit for crushing new US sanctions on Nicaragua while pushing to escalate Washington’s economic war on Venezuela. The Grayzone presents a deep dive into the “human rights” arm of the US empire.
Glenn Greenwald has been charged with cybercrimes in Brazil after embarassing top Brazilian officials with his reporting.
Brazil’s extreme Bolsonaro government backed an attack on Venezuela in a plot to overthrow its elected president. The shocking terror operation has received no coverage in mainstream US media.
The mobilization has been ongoing since July 2018, leading to a partial report naming high-ranking government officials of mismanagement of PetroCaribe funds published at the end of May 2019.
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