Russians Spooked By Nukes-Against-Cyber-Attack Policy

February 16, 2018 staff 0

New U.S. policy on nuclear retaliatory strikes for cyber-attacks is raising concerns, with Russia claiming that it’s already been blamed for a false-flag cyber-attack – namely the election hacking allegations of 2016, explain Ray McGovern and William Binney.

The Democratic Money Behind Russia-gate

February 16, 2018 staff 0

As Russia-gate continues to buffet the Trump administration, we now know that the “scandal” started with Democrats funding the original dubious allegations of Russian interference, notes Joe Lauria.

The Petrodollar: The Real Motive Behind Provocation of War With Iran

February 16, 2017 staff 0

United States foreign policy has changed very little over the past several decades, regardless of which political party is in control of each House of Congress, or which figurehead is currently residing in the White House. Iran was the final country listed in the “7 countries in 5 years” revealed by General Wesley Clark as targets for U.S. military intervention since 2001.