united states

Up to 150 Million Americans Expected to Contract Coronavirus
Congressional doctor expects between 70 to 150 million Americans to contract the coronavirus.
united states
Congressional doctor expects between 70 to 150 million Americans to contract the coronavirus.
Given that Manning still faces a $256,000 fine for refusing to testify about WikiLeaks to a grand jury, said one reporter, “she will now struggle with destitution and poverty, but at least she will no longer be in a jail cell.”
Ars Technica asked 10 ISPs if they’ll waive caps as pandemic forces people to stay home.
It’s uncertain which precincts are involved or if the apparent winners from any races will change.
You might remember voter suppression from being a big issue in, well, pretty much every American election ever. And Super Tuesday was no exception.
Rights are routinely being violated as hundreds of ICE agents storm New York City and other sanctuary cities in a fresh attempt to round up undocumented immigrants.
Senator Ron Wyden and Representative Ro Khanna introduced a bill to reform the Espionage Act, the archaic piece of legislation used to prosecute Julian Assange and other whistleblowers.
Japan, China and Taiwan reports on the origin of the virus.
Long lines, problems with voting machines and delayed openings at polling places caused frustration on Election Day across Tarrant County.
Behind the app that delayed Iowa’s voting results is a dark money operation funded by anti-Bernie Sanders billionaires. Its top donor Seth Klarman is a Buttigieg backer who has dumped money into pro-settler Israel lobby groups.
The app that sowed chaos at the 2020 Iowa caucuses was the work of Shadow, Inc., a group founded by veterans of the Clinton campaign.
An analysis of peer-reviewed scientific papers found overwhelming consensus in the conclusion that Medicare for All would indeed save the American taxpayer money.
The draft might be gone, but not everyone volunteers for the same reasons. Inconsistent access to education, healthcare, or housing means marginalized communities are systemically pushed into military service to gain those benefits–especially poor students.
The amendment is likely to be tied up in court battles following a Justice Department statement that the deadline for ratification has passed.
The Seattle City Council voted to become the largest U.S. city to ban “foreign-influenced” companies from political spending in local elections.
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