Guccifer 2.0 Game Over – Year End Review

December 25, 2018 Syndicated 0

A comprehensive review that chronicles the past two years of extensive research and investigation into the Guccifer 2.0 case, evaluating all of the discoveries made during the last two years, as well as the various challenges received, and to provide an up-to-date status on the validity of different areas of research into Guccifer 2.0.

Syrian State YouTube Channels ‘Terminated’ Amid Fears of Looming False-Flag Chemical Attack

September 8, 2018 Syndicated 0

As Syrian and Russian government forces prepare to recapture the last “rebel stronghold” of Idlib province from Al Qaeda-linked terrorists, YouTube has abruptly shut down all Syrian state and pro-Syrian channels in heed of Russia’s warnings of an anticipated false-flag chemical attack staged by the White Helmets, to be used as grounds for US-UK-France retaliatory strikes.

Craig Murray: The CIA’s Absence of Conviction

August 29, 2018 staff 0

Published almost 2 years ago, in the aftermath of Hillary Clinton’s shattering defeat by the least popular, dangerously unqualified presidential candidate in U.S. history — a loss that Hillary and the DNC refused to own, immediately diverting all the blame to Russia and James Comey while relentlessly cultivating the narrative of Trump/Putin collusion and “Russian meddling” to suppress and discredit the damning revelations within the WikiLeaks emails of the DNC rigging the primary against Bernie Sanders — Craig Murray gives his firsthand account debunking anonymous CIA claims pushing the Russiagate collusion narrative.