WHO Report: 95% of World Population Reside in Regions Contaminated By Life-Threatening Air Pollution

April 24, 2018 staff 0

Most of the world’s population reside in regions where air quality contains life-threatening pollutants, with 95% breathing in unhealthy air, a World Health Organization (WHO) study has determined. This health crisis has already claimed 7 million lives since the Syrian War began, many whose surroundings exceed toxic levels, causing asthma, stroke, emphysema, heart disease, hypertension, and serious breathing difficulties.

The FCC’s Next Attack: Reclassifying Mobile Data As “Broadband Internet”

January 3, 2018 staff 0

The Federal Communications Commission’s corrupt and undemocratic move to repeal net neutrality dealt a major, shattering blow to internet freedom, but it’s only the first in a series of actions leading to the end goal of complete blind deregulation of federal and state oversight of Big Telecom. Next step: expanding the definition of high-speed broadband internet to include mobile phone service, which the FCC will use disingenuously to portray America’s broadband situation as being better than it actually is.