Chris Hedges: The War on Assange is a War on Press Freedom
The silence of the press, whose own fate is inextricably intertwined, regarding the ongoing persecution of Julian Assange is deafening.
The silence of the press, whose own fate is inextricably intertwined, regarding the ongoing persecution of Julian Assange is deafening.
Published almost 2 years ago, in the aftermath of Hillary Clinton’s shattering defeat by the least popular, dangerously unqualified presidential candidate in U.S. history — a loss that Hillary and the DNC refused to own, immediately diverting all the blame to Russia and James Comey while relentlessly cultivating the narrative of Trump/Putin collusion and “Russian meddling” to suppress and discredit the damning revelations within the WikiLeaks emails of the DNC rigging the primary against Bernie Sanders — Craig Murray gives his firsthand account debunking anonymous CIA claims pushing the Russiagate collusion narrative.
A new study suggests that bees not only enjoy consuming certain pesticides, they experience something comparable to addiction when they do.
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