Rosie was rescued off the street as a tiny baby kitten by the Bui sisters: Thi, Thoa, and Tram. When she was found by one of the sisters’ co-workers, she was very sick and fragile, and her humans were concerned that she might not pull through. She was unresponsive and lethargic, and despite their best efforts, she wouldn’t feed. They decided to try a different approach: they introduced her to their husky, Lilo, who immediately took to little Rosie in the role of her surrogate mother. Rosie was equally smitten with Lilo, and cuddled with her for hours. With Lilo’s help, Rosie began to convalesce, and soon the two became the best of friends, always by each other’s side.
Thoa describes their introduction: “She was weak, letharic, she just wasn’t doing well… And we foster and rescue a lot of kittens, so when we found her and we took care of her, we were just like, you know, it’s not working. Nothing we try is working. And we had Lilo, she’s the husky, and she just, she was interested, so we decided to introduce the two of them to see what would happen. And little did we know, they cuddled for hours on end. Lilo wouldn’t even leave to get dinner and it’s her favorite time of day!”

Rosie and Lilo grocery shopping!
Rosie copies everything that Lilo does, hence she thinks she’s a dog too, with her dog-like mannerisms and habits. She was even quickly accepted into Lilo’s husky pack, and they think of her as one of their own. Now having fully recovered since her rescue, Rosie is healthy, happy, and loved in both her human and husky families, not to mention with her giant horde of online devotees. And as Lilo did for her, Rosie now even helps her humans by nursing a rotation of rescue kittens of her own back to health! Rosie and Lilo’s amazing friendship continues to grow and develop as the two remain inseparable, doing everything together, including eating, napping, playing, grocery shopping, hiking, kayaking, and even swimming – with Rosie fearlessly kitty-paddling alongside her best friend in her shark-fin “life jacket” to help her stay afloat!
The pair have become an irresistible viral internet sensation ever since the Bui sisters started shooting videos and taking pics of the adorable duo (with frequent cameos from Infinity and the other huskies) and posting them onto social media. Natually, they immediately gained a huge internet following with an insatiable craving for anything Rosie and Lilo! You can follow them on their remarkable journey at their various social media accounts:
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