The Petrodollar: The Real Motive Behind Provocation of War With Iran

February 16, 2017 staff 0

United States foreign policy has changed very little over the past several decades, regardless of which political party is in control of each House of Congress, or which figurehead is currently residing in the White House. Iran was the final country listed in the “7 countries in 5 years” revealed by General Wesley Clark as targets for U.S. military intervention since 2001.

Amid Fevered “Fake News” Hysteria, Mainstream Media Demonstrates How To Fake News Like a Pro With Fake Aleppo Coverage (VIDEO)

December 21, 2016 staff 0

The Western corporate media’s increasingly hysterical denunciations of the Syrian “regime” (never referred to as a legitimate sovereign government), along with allies Russia and Iran, for alleged atrocities in the retaking of Aleppo, painting democratically elected President Bashar al-Assad as a “brutal dictator” who “butchers his own people”, is a measure of the disillusionment and bitterness within the Western neo-liberal power elite over this strategic reversal in the drive to overthrow the sovereign government of President al-Assad.