Russia did not provide WikiLeaks with the explosive, revelatory Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails that demonstrated the DNC had rigged the 2016 Democratic primary to benefit historically-unpopular Hillary Clinton (who selfishly refused to drop out of the race despite simultaneously being under 2 FBI criminal investigations) and founder Julian Assange has physical evidence to prove it, a Republican congressman who met with him announced.
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) visited the Ecuadorian embassy in London back in August 2017, when he met with Assange. He brought up that meeting on Wednesday evening’s episode of Breitbart Radio.
“By now, everybody knows that this idea that Trump was colluding with the Russians in order to get them to do things like steal the DNC emails and then release them through WikiLeaks, the public knows that’s just total baloney,” Rohrabacher said. “I knew the one man who could prove that it was all baloney was Assange. So I went to see him in London, and he confirmed for me that the Russians did not give him the DNC emails.”
Assange has “physical proof of that” and offered to show it in exchange for an agreement that he would not get arrested upon leaving the embassy, Rohrabacher revealed. The WikiLeaks co-founder has been virtually imprisoned inside the London building since 2012, after the UK sought to arrest him on a Swedish warrant seeking him for “questioning” (over trumped up rape allegations) that has since been lifted. Regardless, British authorities insist they will still arrest Assange the moment he steps foot out of the embassy, for violating the terms of his bail, even though he has never been charged with an actual crime.
WikiLeaks Offers $20K Reward for Information in Murder of DNC Staffer Seth Rich https://t.co/c0YARaemzL
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 9, 2016
Assange has held firm in his repeated insistence that the DNC emails were not supplied to WikiLeaks by any nation state or state actor, giving strong hints pointing to slain 27-year-old DNC staffer Seth Rich, an ardent Bernie Sanders supporter, as the source of the leaked communications. WikiLeaks has offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of Rich’s killer(s).
Rohrabacher has not been able to discuss the Assange meeting with President Donald Trump so far, due to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the 2016 election, he told Breitbart.
“I’ve been waiting because I know that we’re not going to give this special prosecutor any more ammunition than he needs to try to destroy this president,” he said, according to the Washington Times.
Hillary Clinton and the DNC have accused Russia of hacking the party’s emails and releasing them through WikiLeaks in June 2016. They have also accused WikiLeaks of being a “Russian cutout,” for publishing the private emails of Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta in the month leading up to the election.
WikiLeaks has not commented on Rohrabacher’s claims, but they generally do not reveal their sources.
Assange has been unable to comment, as the government of Ecuador suspended his internet access at the end of March and barred him from receiving visitors, reportedly over a tweet he posted criticizing Spain’s oppressive policy towards the separatists in Catalonia.
In his last interview before the communications shutdown, Assange told journalist Stefania Maurizi of the Italian daily La Repubblica he was ready to testify about WikiLeaks’ relationship with the controversial data research firm Cambridge Analytica, accused of improperly accessing information of over 80 million Facebook users worldwide.
2. Julian #Assange confirmed me he wanted to testify on #CambridgeAnalytica, the very same day @repubblica published my interview with Julian #Assange (28March) I was informed his internet and phone communications have been cut and journos and visitors are not allowed
— stefania maurizi (@SMaurizi) April 19, 2018
A forensic investigation into the metadata of files from the alleged hack by independent forensic data experts and reviewed by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) last year showed that the transfer rates were simply too fast to possibly support the claim that the servers were accessed from overseas, and they failed in their attempts to reproduce anywhere near those transfer speeds using the best possible connections and circumstances in the many tests VIPS performed transmitting data across similar distances overseas. VIPS concluded that the “data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computers.”
NSA whistleblower William Binney presented the group’s findings to CIA Director Mike Pompeo last November.
Independent researcher and security expert Adam Carter has compiled an exhaustive, meticulously detailed archive of evidence and analysis at the website Guccifer 2.0 – Game Over pointing to alleged hacker “Guccifer 2.0” being an invention by the DNC to discredit and detract from leaks, divert public attention from the incriminating emails, and blame Russia.
The original Guccifer, Marcel Lehel Lazar, currently in prison on hacking charges in his native country of Romania, told Fox News’ Pamela Browne in an August 11, 2017 interview that he is convinced the U.S. State Department was involved in the invention of “Guccifer 2.0” (curiously the only hacker in history to forgo creating an original unique handle for a sequel of another hacker’s alias instead), recalling a conversation with one of his State Dept. handlers in which the agent made a suspicious sly suggestion about the appearance of another “Guccifer”:
In his wide-ranging new interview, Lazar weighed in on several current events, including a bombshell claim as to why he believes the hackers behind “Guccifer 2.0,” who claimed to have hacked into the DNC computer network, are not “the Russians” but instead the “U.S. government.” Lazar told Fox the idea came from one his handlers assigned to the State Department during his extradition plane ride to the U.S. in spring 2016.
“Ok, so now, now I think that it is maybe Guccifer two-zero, the State Department, or this guy from the State Department, who is handling my case,” he said. “I think it was more like they were plannings this. I mean they, this guy from the State Department.”
“So I think Guccifer two-zero is an inside job,” Lazar added. “I think Guccifer two-zero is something made from some guys at the State Department. Some guys from the cyber command of the NSA, and some guys from the Vault, Vault 7 of the CIA. So there are these guys, you know Pam, I’m in this business for sort of 15 years now, this is my take on this whole. They were setting up something of Guccifer two-zero. Because the State Department guy was asking me, ‘What is your opinion,’ or something like this, ‘what do you say if another Guccifer is showing up?’
“And I said, ‘You know something, I expect that not one, but one hundred Guccifers will show up.’”
Dissatisfied with the lack of progress in the Mueller probe, the DNC has meanwhile launched a ridiculous publicity stunt by filing a lawsuit against Wikileaks, Assange, Russia, the Trump campaign, Roger Stone, Donald Trump Jr., and others, for the alleged hacking of a DNC server they refused to give the FBI to examine, repeatedly equating it on MSNBC with the DNC lawsuit over the Watergate break-in. The hypocrisy and audacity of the DNC in claiming to champion election integrity after having been proven by their own emails to have rigged the 2016 Democratic primary and steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders is downright laughable and infuriating, the extreme lack of self-awareness and absurdity worthy of being straight out of The Onion.
* This article was automatically syndicated and expanded from RT America.
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