Guccifer 2.0 Game Over – Year End Review

December 25, 2018 Syndicated 0

A comprehensive review that chronicles the past two years of extensive research and investigation into the Guccifer 2.0 case, evaluating all of the discoveries made during the last two years, as well as the various challenges received, and to provide an up-to-date status on the validity of different areas of research into Guccifer 2.0.

The Day That Guccifer 2.0 Quit Hacking The DNC

May 23, 2018 Syndicated 0

In November 2017, the DNC quietly changed their Russian hacking narrative via an Associated Press report, invalidating the circumstantial evidence that had been used to support the DNC’s Russian hacking claims, and representing a groundbreaking contradiction that has gone unobserved by establishment press outlets.

Mainstream Media “Presstitutes” in Collusion With Hillary Campaign Exposed in Leaked Internal Documents

November 7, 2016 staff 0

As new, damning revelations concerning the Clinton Foundation and the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign continue to unravel with each batch of fresh Podesta emails released by Wikileaks, internal documents outline how the Hillary campaign closely coordinates with established mainstream media reporters to push its agenda and shape the narrative provided to the public.