By Elizabeth Vos
Suzie Dawson, asylum-seeking journalist and current President of the Internet Party of New Zealand, is critically ill in Moscow. Dawson is seeking asylum in Russia after being targeted by New Zealand intelligence agencies as a result of her activism in the Occupy movement and against the TPP, among other causes.
Prior to becoming seriously ill, Dawson had published a major work on the altered and deeply manipulated history of Wikileaks and Julian Assange, titled Being Julian Assange. When Assange’s asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London was transformed into solitary confinement by the Ecuadorian government under President Lenin Moreno in late March, Dawson and Internet Party founder Kim Dotcom launched a ten hour online #ReconnectJulian vigil, in which activists, whistleblowers, journalists and figures from across the political spectrum unanimously called for the immediate restoration of Julian Assange’s communications with the outside world.
Although the vigil was a resounding success in terms of social media reach and impact, Assange’s communications with the outside world have yet to be restored at the time of writing. Due to this intolerable and ongoing situation, Dawson and others joined forces to organize a massive, long-running and all-inclusive second online vigil, under the banner of “Unity4J.”
When Dawson was suddenly struck down with illness, she was in the final days of preparation for the public announcement of the vigil, and was on the verge of sending out both invitations and press releases advertising the event.
Dawson has been a ferocious advocate for political prisoners, whistleblowers and targeted individuals including but not limited to Julian Assange. She has also been a major supporter in the spheres of activism and independent journalism, previously under the pseudonym Endarken. Her work has consistently exposed the manipulations of the establishment.
Dawson and this author have also collaborated on the ongoing DecipherYou project, in which we analyze Snowden documents – specifically SID Today files, published by The Intercept – that have never received media scrutiny. Dawson and this writer have described a number of ground breaking findings that have resulted from the initiative.
Christine Assange responded to Dawson’s illness, telling Disobedient Media: “Journalist Suzie Dawson has been a staunch long-time defender for justice for my son Julian. She has been taken suddenly and seriously ill, and she and her children need our support. Please help. Thank you. ”
Although Dawson became ill at the time of preparation for the Unity4J event, Dawson does not believe that the illness was the result of having been targeted. Those who wish to support Suzie Dawson during this difficult time are encouraged to donate using the following links:
Suzie’s Steemit Account.
Disobedient Media will continue to report on this matter as necessary.
* This article was automatically syndicated from Disobedient Media.
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